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Understanding and Calculating Burn Rate

If you’re an entrepreneur, then you should be familiar with the concept of burn rate. This is basically a way to measure the overall sustainability of your business. It helps you to determine how long your company can keep things going until your sales start to...

Creating a Budget for Your Business

You want to be able to make sure that your business operates smoothly. One part of making this happen is going to involve creating a budget and adhering to it. Creating a budget for your business isn’t difficult, but you still might not be entirely sure what you...

What Is Purchase Order Financing?

Cash flow problems have the potential to put your business in a very tough spot. If you don’t have enough cash to cover certain costs, then you could be panicked about what you should do. One thing that business owners can consider is purchase order financing....

Equity Financing Versus Debt Financing

Many small businesses encounter situations where they need money and have to find a way to get it. Lending standards can be somewhat tight in many places and this makes it difficult for some business owners to secure financing. There are going to be two basic avenues...